Today was kind of a surreal day for me in a way. I realized that had I never surrendered to God's plan, had I not released my desires for my life, that I would have been getting married today. I knew it wouldn't be a day of brokenness or hurt, too many wonderful things have happened in the last year for me to feel that. Instead, it was a reminder that the right choice was made, that God honors those who sacrifice their plans and their desires to follow Him, and that He is able to do immeasurably more than we can dream or hope for!
So instead of going to the chapel I went to Kensington for their leadership conference celebrating the last 25 years and gaining a vision of what the next 25 years will hopefully look like. As I walked into what is normally the worship area at the Orion campus I saw tons of round tables decorated with table cloths, lovely centerpieces, and table numbers. It resembled the look of a reception hall on wedding day. And instead of family coming together because of the union of a couple, there was "family" gathered on mission for Christ to celebrate and worship God for all He has done. And during the last worship set it hit me that this is but a glimpse of what the wedding of Christ to His bride will look like, joyfully worshipping and finally being joined as one to the one who died for us and rose again victoriously! I may not have been a bride in a white dress standing beside her new husband, but I was a bride of Christ gazing upward and joyfully worshipping my Groom to be!
In the last session the founders of the church pondered the question, "What would've happened if we had missed this? If we hadn't obeyed the call of God?" If they hadn't the 1,000 leaders gathered would not have been there, let alone the thousands more who attend our campuses on a weekly basis. If they hadn't then many people could say that they may not have come to know Christ! Wow! And I began to ponder the same question. What if I had missed all that this year had offered, missed what is happening in my life right now? What if I had chosen to disobey God and move forward in my own plans? I wouldn't be where I am today, and I don't think I would've known God in the same way I do today! Wow! I'm so thankful for the woman God has been transforming me into and for the risks He's asked me to take! And I'm so thankful for my ever growing understanding of my Heavenly Father and my Prince! It's nights like this that make me fall to my knees, filled with the love of Christ, and just praising Him for what He's done this year in and through me.
I didn't get married tonight, but because of Jesus, I couldn't have been more joyful! And I can't wait to see what He's going to do this year! Amen!