Saturday, September 20, 2014

You Are Beautiful

The other day was absolutely lovely.  The sky was a clear blue, there was a slight breeze, and the sun was shining brightly.  It was so beautiful, in fact, that when I had my break at work I just had to go out and be a part of it!  So I took a walk and put my mind on God's beauty and, as it would turn out, that was the topic He wanted me to meditate on.

God has been teaching me a lot about beauty lately.  I've been making it a point to slow down during the day and take in the goodness of the nature He's created, and I absolutely love sitting at the piano and putting a series of chords together and hearing the beautiful music that resonates throughout the house.  But the best kind of beauty I've found is the one that He's shown me in myself!  For a girl who could never wrap her mind around the word "beautiful" as belonging to her, this is a big step.  At first I thought it was a mistake, but when we're talking about God we quickly learn that He's the only one that doesn't make mistakes.  And in the past two months He's blessed me with a peace and confidence in my beauty that now I can't describe myself any other way.  Sure, I'm not perfect, but I know I'm His work of art that is His to perfect, not mine.  I've found that my striving to be perfect doesn't get me anywhere, but when I've surrendered all of myself to Him I've realized that He does the work that I alone can't do.  God is the beautiful creator and perfector, the most amazing artist of them all!

So as I was walking in a place of peace and confidence in my beauty surrounded by nature's beauty, the question came upon me, "Why is it so hard for people to realize their beauty?".  Then I thought of the world, and how our American society defines beauty.  And the sad thing I've found is that through their provocative magazine covers, perfect air brushed and fixed up movie stars and models, tips and tricks for the perfect hair and make up, and an endless stream of workout exercises to try, that the world has confused the definition of beauty and made it synonymous with "sexy".  This is such a sad mistake, that we describe ourselves as women as "hot" and "sexy" rather than "beautiful", and the former is more desirable of an effect than the latter.  These words do not share the same meaning!  When we describe a woman as "hot" and "sexy" what we're really saying is that they look like an object that's desirable for sex.  Let me reiterate, the words "hot" and "sexy" are really saying that we're an object that's desirable for sex.  That's it.  Why are we letting these words describe how a PERSON looks and confusing it with who they are?  Because they don't describe the person at all!  Instead they change the person into an object!!  How horrifying!  And the make up, clothing, and shoes that add to this effect are simply accessories that work to make the object more desirable.

The fascinating thing is that today many women (including myself) struggle with comparison of looks, and many of them reach the same sad conclusion... they aren't good enough.  How many of us have said that about ourselves?  And what we're really saying, what we've been made to believe, is that God messed up.  That you aren't a piece of His breathtaking artwork.  Now before you jump to blaming yourself realize that we've all been under attack by the same Enemy who has been patiently working throughout the years both in us and our society to get us here.  It's not your fault, but it is a battle that you have to face with God.  And it CAN be won, and I know this because I'm standing here today in a place of victory!  I'm at the top of this mountain with God and I work daily to defend my ground against the one who tries to creep up and take back the ground that he lost.  But God has prepared me, and He won't let me lose this battle!  And if you ask Him, He can do the same for you.  You know why?  Because you really are worth it!!

The thing that's interesting about real beauty is that it needs no comparison.  When I see a woman dressed provocatively I notice her body and how her clothing accentuates it, her hair, her perfect make up and shoes, and I sadly think, "I don't look anything like that."  I compare.  But when I see a woman going about her daily business wearing something that reflects who she is, and she walks with a peace and confidence that shows she will not be seen as an object, I find myself thinking, "She's beautiful".  And you know what?  I don't compare myself, I just appreciate the beauty.  Beauty needs no comparison, because there's no such thing as too much beauty!  When I go out shopping with women I care about and they try on something and it just looks ok I tell them, "That ____ doesn't really show off your beauty.  You're too beautiful for that."  You may read this and go, "Jenn, how can your friends take you seriously when you say that?  It doesn't sound like you're being sincere."  I am being sincere though, and while my friends at first laughed at me, they've realized that what I'm saying is true and that I value their beauty, I value the person they are.  It's not the clothing or accessory that make the person, it's the person that showcases the clothing or accessory.

What's amazing, too, is that beauty also transcends time.  It's not limited to your peak physically, a woman who is truly beautiful will shine through her 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, every day until she comes to rest with the Lord!  One of my favorite things is seeing an older couple with wrinkles and gray hair walking hand in hand together, with big smiles on their faces and a look between them that radiates their love.  And I find that absolutely stunning!  My grandma, who is in her 70s and battling ALS is truly beautiful!  And it's not because of the clothes she wears, it's her smile, her joyful eyes, and her loving nature that show that she's lived a great life filled with so much love, laughter, and adventure.  She is someone who, for as long as I've known her, has been comfortable and happy in who she is!  She hasn't tried to be someone she's not.  My mother, her daughter, is another shining example of beauty, and it comes from confidence and happiness in her life and who she is.  She doesn't compare herself to others, she just lives the life she loves without feeling pressure to conform to society or a need to perfect herself.

As women, let's stop describing others as "hot" and "sexy" (even when being sarcastic with friends), and start helping each woman around us discover the beauty of God and the beauty in themselves.  Let's stand up and fight for them when they are too tired to fight, and let's lift them up at every opportunity and encourage them to be who they are!  And if no one else will say it, I will, "You're beautiful!"  I may not know who you are, but I've seen beauty in every woman I've met and I know my God who makes no mistakes, and that's enough for me to know that you are in fact incredible beautiful!

God says:
1. "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4

2. "You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7 (Absolutely love this!  No doubt God believes we're beautiful!)

And so I will thank my God and say, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

Ask God today to show you your beauty!  He would love nothing more than to give His beloved daughter exactly that!

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