Earlier this year God showed me that since He is the King of Kings and I am an adopted daughter into His royal Kingdom that it makes me His Princess. Yes, I am a Princess of the Kingdom of God! And if you are a woman following Jesus then you are one as well (and men, that would make you Princes, this royalty stuff isn't just for the women). It took a while to wrap my mind around this truth, but now that I have nothing and no one can take it from me! When I went to Disney World I met many of the princesses that I had looked up to as a child (yes, I know they're actresses), but it was such a crazy experience meeting them knowing that I am a princess! On my last night of the trip, my friend and I had dinner at Cinderella's Castle and we even wore tiaras, a symbol representing our standing in God's Kingdom. I can't even describe the feeling, it just felt right.
To better explain this point of being God's royalty, I'd like to share with you an entry from my personal journal from this summer when I first came upon this realization:
Something that has just been blowing me away is that I am a princess of God! For a girl who grew up on and LOVED Disney movies and their heroine princesses, this idea hits me so hard that it strikes joy into my heart! It makes me think of all my favorite princesses and what I share in common with them.
I share Snow White's dream of her prince and Aurora's lovely voice. Like Cinderella I don't always look like a princess on the outside, but I persevere to be one within.
I share Ariel's curiosity and Belle's desire for adventure. Like Jasmine I stand up for myself and won't allow men to have the final say on my future.
Like Pocahontas I know there is both good and bad in us all but I express grace and seek a peaceful world. I have a competitive side and desire to find out who I truly am like Mulan, and I share an independent streak with Meg.
Like Gisele I believe in true love, and I wonder when my life will begin like Rapunzel. I share Anna's adorkable personality and strong love for those close to me, and I have a beauty to unveil like Elsa.
I share many similarities with all my favorite heroines. Most importantly, I am my own as God has created me for a purpose and has designed me and crafted me in a specific way for a specific role! I am Princess Jennifer, a beautiful brunette (turned blonde) with eyes that can shift from a deep ocean blue to a piercing hazel, and I have curves and edges unique to me. I am beautifully and wonderfully made by my Father, the King of Kings, and I have a desire to see the beauty in the world and be one with it. I can get lost in gorgeous swelling melodies and join in the song. I have a desire to create and enjoy my Father's magnificent creations such as the land and seas. I have a maturity of one who has lived 25 years and knows her Heavenly Prince and true love intimately, but I also have a playful side and child-like innocence, still learning right from wrong. I have a stubbornness to try things for myself and an interest in learning new things. I am Princess Jennifer, independent, silly, and filled with love, hope, and romantic dreams. I have an adventure all my own to share as God's Princess! Just wait until you see my story!
This experience isn't just unique to me. God longs for you to know Him and yourself this way too, in a way that is specifically fit to you. He longs to give you lovely gifts and romance your heart while also comforting and protecting you like a father! Just ask Him, He's right at the door and has been waiting patiently for you to let Him in. He can't wait to show you the incredible story he has for you!
Princess Jennifer
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