Friday, May 9, 2014

Learning to Fight

Earlier this week I finished a round of what I like to call "Captivating Therapy".  To women everywhere, I highly recommend this book by John and Stasi Eldridge as I have turned to this book for spiritual and feminine counsel on multiple occasions since I first received and read it.  Anyway, after going through another bout with anxiety and feeling hopeless God whispered to me to return to Captivating's pages (something He's been telling me for a few months now) because He had many things to teach me.  One of these lessons was on spiritual warfare.  I learned that my anxiety is definitely an attack and, while people can (and should) fight for me, I need to be able to fight for myself when it strikes.  Many people facing attacks would ask, "Why is God letting this happen?  Why isn't He just taking it away?"  God will let some attacks happen to help teach and strengthen us, and He may even use us to help strengthen someone else going through attacks of a similar nature. In my "therapy" session, I learned that God is letting me face these attacks because He needs me to be very strong for what I'm going to be facing in the future, and through this latest attack He showed me that it's time to stop relying on everyone else to help me and stand up and fight for myself.  So what does this form of fighting look like?  Let me start with a verse.  Ephesians 6:10-13 says, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand (NIV)."  From this verse we learn that there is a way to fight and protect ourselves, and Paul even talks of armor.  What is this armor?  He continues to explain, "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:14-17)."  There are six pieces of armor that God talks about that accomplish different ways of protection.  Let's simplify them:  
  • Belt of Truth- We need to firmly know God's truth in order to know what is of Him and what is of Satan.  We also need to recall His truth in times of difficult attacks.  Satan kept trying to tell me I wasn't good enough, that I didn't deserve love, that I had to take things into my own hands if they were ever going to get done, and that I wasn't beautiful.  I had to remember the truth which was that God loves me, finds me beautiful, that I'm more than enough for Him, and and that He is in control so I don't need to strive to make things go my way.  God's truth offers peace, Satan's lies offer worry.
  • Breastplate of Righteousness- If we are obeying God and following his commands then it will be difficult for the devil to attack us.  If we are sinning we weaken ourselves and leave ourselves open to Satan's schemes.  When I'm struggling and participating in sin I notice that I fall away from God and become more vulnerable to attacks.  I get more controlling, worry more, and doubt myself and my God more and I am open to the enemy.  When I am listening to and obeying God Satan can't hurt me.
  • Shoes of Readiness- Paul says that this comes from knowing the gospel of peace.  I believe that knowing the truth about Christ, that he died for our sins, defeated the grave, and rose to life so we can rise with him on the judgement day is what Paul is talking about.  I believe it's also about knowing Christ and having a relationship with him.  If your best friend is Christ, do you think his opponent who highly fears him would even dare approach?  We also need to know the authority that Christ holds.  When fighting off an attack I use the authority of Jesus Christ, not God or Moses or David, Christ.
  • Shield of Faith- Knowing that God is alive, that He has rescued you through the blood of His Son, and will continue to be with you requires a lot of faith.  I've found too that if you have a strong faith in God you aren't as afraid of the attack since you realize that God has something to teach you and He will rescue you if you get overwhelmed.  I know He's rescued me several times.  Faith also requires trusting God and that He will ALWAYS be there for you.
  • Helmet of Salvation-  Knowing that you have received salvation is an important part of this protection.  If you still believe there is something else that must be done in order to be truly saved then Satan will throw it at you constantly and tell you you're not good enough.  If you believe and trust in the salvation that you've been given through Christ then there isn't much the enemy can do to you.
  • Sword of the Spirit-  This is God's word.  Having Bible verses you can turn to in times of attack to remind you of God's truth is incredibly important.  It's also important to be in the Word as often as you can because it will strengthen you in faith and strengthen your relationship with Jesus.  You'll find the verses that speak the most to you and you'll be able to pull them out in times of attack.  One of my favorites is featured in two gospels with different wording (Mark 8:33 and Matthew 16:23), but Jesus says "Get behind me, Satan!  You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God but merely human concerns (Matthew 16:23 NIV)."  Perfectly said by our perfect savior!
Everyday we need to put on the armor of God and we need to accept that through attacks there are lessons to be learned.  But please remember, the lesson is not to fail or to be given over to the enemy.  That's not what God wants.  He wants you to fight, to learn His truth, to put on His armor, and to grow stronger for future battles, some of which you'll fight for yourself and some of which you'll fight for others.  I'm reminded of one night where my fiancee was attacked.  I had never experienced anything like it before and I was scared.  He started feeling poorly for no reason, and I was glad he was able to identify it for what it was.  As he lay there and admitted to me that he was afraid I finally got up the courage to pray for God's protection over him, and this gave my fiancee the strength to fight and rebuke the devil himself while I continued to pray.  I was amazed by what God did that night and what He taught me about prayer and teamwork (especially as a couple).  I have no doubt that my fiancee and I will face attacks in our marriage (our best relationships are the most opposed by the enemy), and we will need to fight sometimes together and sometimes separately to force Satan to leave.  And I trust that God is preparing me for the future battles ahead. Be strong and learn to fight.  The Kingdom and the world need your strength. 

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